News from the U.S. office of HFHI.

U.S. Office News

August 2023

Day three of the Habitat for Humanity 2019 Affiliate Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

2024 Affiliate Conference

Preparations are underway for the 2024 Affiliate Conference: We Build. We Influence. Together. I hope you’ll start planning to join colleagues from across the Habitat network in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 4-7.

Information about registration, accommodations and scholarships is available on the Knowledge Center of MyHabitat. Join the Affiliate Conference Viva Engage community for the latest updates and to connect with participants.

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and experience with your Habitat peers, I encourage you to submit a learning session proposal by Sept. 15. I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta in March!

Adrienne Goolsby
Senior Vice President, U.S. and Canada
Habitat for Humanity International

Action items and important news

Submit the fiscal year 2024 Quality Assurance Checklist by Sept. 29

Leaders at each affiliate received a unique link to the fiscal year 2024 U.S. Affiliated Organization Covenant and Quality Assurance Checklist on July 28. Please include time in your August or September board meetings to review and sign these important documents in order to submit the checklist by Sept. 29 to maintain good standing status. You can share the preview copy of the covenant and checklist with your board members. If you have questions, please contact the Affiliate Support Center at or (877) 434-4435.

Update on the Habitat 2.0 fee policy

The 60-day Habitat 2.0 fee policy comment period closed on Aug. 10 and input from the network is being reviewed by the Policy Committee of the U.S. Council. Thank you to affiliate leaders and representatives from affiliate support organizations for your continued engagement in the Collaborative Operating Model process and for submitting your input during the Habitat 2.0 fee policy comment period this summer. The U.S. Council will review input at its upcoming September meeting.

Events and important dates

Additional events are listed on the Knowledge Center of MyHabitat.

Join us for The Heart of Interfaith Koinonia Dialogue panel discussion

During this 90-minute dialogue on Aug. 23, at 11 a.m. EDT, we will hear voices from the Habitat network who are exploring the heart of interfaith work and how it aligns with Habitat’s mission. The discussion will feature panelists with rich personal experience in the interfaith space. The Koinonia Dialogues aim to foster open and constructive conversations on critical issues related to housing and Habitat’s mission and values. Through the Koinonia Dialogues, we seek to engage stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to share their knowledge, experiences and insights and to promote equitable and sustainable housing solutions worldwide. Add the event to your calendar.

Policy 5: Comprehensive Financial updates and Q&A

Register now to join the Habitat for Humanity International controller’s team on Thursday, Sept. 14, at 2 p.m. EDT, to learn about the contents and updates to Policy 5, which sets the standards for the financial management of affiliated organizations. The webinar will discuss the requirements for IRS Form 990 and the Sample IRS Form 990 Part III and Schedule O. It also provides an opportunity for questions and answers.

Group. Atlanta Habitat for Humanity - South Fulton ReStore.

New resources and program updates

The survey for the fiscal year 2023 Habitat ReStore Annual Report is now open

The survey for the FY2023 Habitat ReStore Annual Report will close Sept. 15.  

  • Complete the single-store survey if your affiliate had only one Habitat ReStore open during FY2023: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
  • Complete the multistore survey if your affiliate had two or more stores open at any point during FY2023, even if you now have only one store.

If you'd like to gather your information beforehand, you can download a printable version of the survey questions to help you prepare to fill it out online. This year, draft question sets for both single-store and multistore operations are available to better align with your experience when completing the survey. If you have questions about the survey, your store or affiliate HFHI Partner ID, please contact the Affiliate Support Center at (877) 434-4435 or

Updated Habitat ReStore trifold brochure and wallet brochure

Tell the Habitat ReStore story with the help of two marketing resources: an updated trifold brochure featuring four different cover photos and options to include a QR code, a local photo and social media icons; and a new, highly customizable wallet brochure that folds down to the size of a business card. Visit the Resource Warehouse and navigate to the ReStore section, then the Mission category for these resources, which are available as customizable PDFs and as a print-and-ship solution using a customizable online form.

Celebrate World Habitat Day on Oct. 2

How will you mark World Habitat Day? The United Nations designates the first Monday of October each year as World Habitat Day to draw attention to the global need for and importance of adequate shelter. The theme of this year's day is “Resilient Urban Economies: Cities as Drivers of Growth and Recovery,” which focuses on how the economies of cities can be positioned better to benefit all residents. Keep an eye out for the U.S. World Habitat Day Activation Guide and resources, available later this month.

Affordable accessory dwelling units: Innovative housing solutions for households with low incomes and older adults

Check out the new evidence brief on accessory dwelling units, which can expand housing options, particularly for households with older adults in need of affordable housing. This evidence brief will be followed by a peer chat on Sept. 7, at 1 p.m. EDT. Join Habitat for Humanity International’s U.S. Research and Measurement team and affiliate representatives who will share their experiences advocating for relaxed ADU regulations, soliciting funding and forming partnerships to build ADUs in their communities. Please register for the peer chat in advance.

Practical guidance for operating after a disaster

Find practical guides and templates for assessing or responding to the needs of affiliate operability, staff well-being and homeowner safety during and after a disaster. Guides include what to do when your office, Habitat ReStore, staff members or homeowners are affected by a disaster, along with immediate steps to take when a disaster occurs.

New resources to help localities and states remove housing barriers

On July 27, the Biden administration announced several new actions to lower housing costs and boost supply. Chief among them is HUD’s new Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing, or PRO Housing, program, which included a notice of funding opportunity for $85 million in competitive grant funding to help states and local jurisdictions identify and remove barriers to affordable housing production and preservation. Applications from local or state governments are due Oct. 30, so now is a good time to put this on the radar of localities and states where such resources could be useful. The new program was previously referred to as the Yes in My Backyard, or YIMBY, grant program and closely resembles legislative proposals that Habitat has supported through Cost of Home.

Have you engaged with your members of Congress during the August recess?

This month, your federal legislators have been back in your state to reconnect with constituents and learn about the policy issues that are important to their local communities. We hope that you are taking advantage of this significant opportunity to meet with your members of Congress and tell them about your work and Habitat’s federal policy priorities for housing investments that would advance home affordability. If you have secured a visit or meeting with one of your elected officials or a member of their staff, please email Jessica Anderson, associate director of federal relations, at to let us know how it went. We track interactions between congressional offices and Habitat affiliates to help organize our advocacy efforts and engagements on Capitol Hill. Review the August recess toolkit with how-to guides and Habitat's 2023 federal legislative talking points for guidance on how to engage with legislators.

Other news

Updated lease standards issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board

Relevant to your organization's fiscal year-end financial statements, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued ASC 842, which says organizations must recognize lease assets and lease liabilities on balance sheets for many leases previously expensed as operating leases. This update aims to foster more financial transparency, including between donors and organizations. For more information, see the documentation provided by Habitat for Humanity International to its auditing firm, Grant Thornton LLP, and speak to your accounting professionals.

U.S. Council meeting summary

Stay informed on the most recent U.S. Council meeting by reading the executive summary of the May 2023 meeting minutes.

Vehicle donations drive home major unrestricted funding to Habitat in fiscal year 2023

Fiscal year 2023 was a record-breaking year for Cars for Homes, Habitat’s national vehicle donation program, which delivers unrestricted revenue to U.S. affiliates every month. The program generated $19.7 million from the sale of donated vehicles, and proceeds were distributed to the affiliates serving the donation areas to benefit local communities. Congratulations to the 734 affiliates that received donations last year.

Updated social media guidance from Habitat for Humanity International

HFHI continues to monitor the changes taking place on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. At this time, our guidance remains steadfast: We are not recommending drastic changes in your usage of the platform. We have identified Threads as a platform that may evolve into a significant alternative to X. HFHI, while maintaining our post frequency on X, has created a profile on Threads, started regular posts on the platform and found early engagement encouraging. Read the full update on the Knowledge Center of MyHabitat.


Review your affiliate’s geographic service area

With the implementation of the Habitat 2.0 financial model beginning in fiscal year 2025, it is crucial to ensure the accuracy of affiliate GSA boundaries and the alignment of Habitat for Humanity International and affiliate records. View your affiliate’s GSA as currently defined in Habitat’s records using the new GSA explorer app. You can learn more about how these boundaries are set on the GSA page. Please contact the Affiliate Support Center at or (877) 434-4435 with any questions.

Need help navigating MyHabitat?

Watch this quick video tour of MyHabitat. You also can join a MyHabitat Live Tour, held twice each month, for more tips to help you get the most out of the platform.

More information

Affiliate Support Center
(877) 434-4435
Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern Time
Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Eastern Time

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285 Peachtree Center Ave., Ste 2700
Atlanta, GA 30303
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