Habitat for Humanity International  
  Asia-Pacific Post
February 2025

Days of our lives

Photo montage for international days in August
(Clockwise from top left: Kasturi and her child from the Irula commmunity in India; Philippine youth leaders; Habitat Indonesia staff in the aftermath of a disaster.
In the month of August, a few international days are significant to Habitat’s work in this region. Make a guess based on some quick facts below. (Answers at the bottom of this issue.)
  • Indigenous peoples are nearly three times as likely to be living in extreme poverty compared to their non-indigenous counterparts.
  • Survey shows that 67% of people believe in a better future, with 15 to 17-year-olds being the most optimistic about this.
  • Attacks against aid workers were more lethal in 2021. Yet they press on to support and protect people most in need.
    Sources: International Labour Organization, Be Seen Be Heard campaign and Humanitarian Outcomes.


Standing together with the people of Sri Lanka
Sri Lankans queuing for necessities
People queuing for necessities in Sri Lanka. Photo courtesy of Habitat Sri Lanka.
Amid the country’s worst economic crisis in decades, Habitat Sri Lanka’s “Standing Together” campaign provides unconditional cash transfers for food, fuel, medicine, house repairs and other needs. Please consider donating now. Meanwhile, Habitat Sri Lanka continues to support families and communities through strong partnerships. About 3,000 students in south-central and western Sri Lanka will benefit from nine toilet units in three schools as well as hygiene awareness programs. This is part of the Helping Hands project focusing on water, sanitation and hygiene improvements, a three-year partnership between Habitat Sri Lanka and the American Chamber Commerce in Sri Lanka. Support for completing the sanitation facilities in the first phase of the partnership came from Teejay Lanka PLC. Over in Southern Province, four families now have homes of their own through Habitat’s partnership with First Capital Holdings PLC. Compressed stabilized earth blocks, a technology first introduced in the European Union-funded “Homes not Houses” project, were used to build these homes.

The economics of cash transfers
Malathi from India (left); US ambassador at Sri Lanka event
Malathi (second from left) and her children in front of their new house in India. Julie Chung (second from right), U.S. ambassador to Sri Lanka, helping out with the distribution of dry rations. Photos: Habitat India and Facebook page of U.S. Embassy Colombo.
By providing direct financial support, Habitat offers families greater flexibility and choice in determining their own recovery process. We share some examples below.
  • Malathi comes from the Irula tribe, one of India’s oldest indigenous peoples who live in Tamil Nadu state. Despite having access to a land title and government subsidy, she could only afford to build her house up to the walls and the roof. Through a five-month conditional cash transfer program that ended in June, Malathi and 20 other Irula families finished building their houses. Support came from Wells Fargo and Habitat India.
  • About 100 families in Negombo, western Sri Lanka, will each receive unconditional cash assistance amounting to a total of 48,000 Sri Lankan rupees (more than US$130) over four months. This is in addition to two months’ worth of dry food rations through a humanitarian emergency relief program supported by the American Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Habitat Sri Lanka. Last month, Julie Chung, U.S. ambassador to Sri Lanka, helped to distribute the rations. Each food pack contains typical food items such as rice, pulses, flour, spices and sugar for a family of four or five.
Habitat CEO’s visit to Philippines
Habitat CEO Jonathan Reckford joins community in Cebu
Habitat's CEO Jonathan Reckford (center) joining in a dance at a house dedication in Cebu province. Photo: Habitat Philippines.
In July, Habitat for Humanity International’s Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Reckford visited the Philippines for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. He joined youth leaders at the launch of Habitat Philippines’ Bahay ni Juan individual giving campaign and built with about 200 volunteers in San Carlos City. At the dedication of 80 homes for vulnerable families in Cebu province, he heard from Joshua whose family became homeowners. Joshua said, “Despite the struggles that we went through, we still have a chance to dream because dreaming isn’t entitled to an individual. But hand-in-hand, collaboratively, everything is possible." Toward the end of his trip, Reckford called for streamlining of government approvals for housing projects in a virtual interview in ANC 24/7's Headstart.


Collaborating is the way to affordable housing
Habitat Asia-Pacific Vice President Luis Noda at AAHP confer
Video screenshot of Habitat's Asia-Pacific Vice President Luis Noda.
Complex housing issues call for collaborative and innovative approaches, said Habitat’s vice president for Asia-Pacific. Speaking virtually at the 12th Annual Affordable Housing Projects conference, Luis Noda remarked, “Increasing equitable access to adequate and affordable housing, while frequently seen as a local responsibility, is also a global priority." He also shared examples of Habitat’s innovative technologies, financing models and people-public-private partnerships in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. More highlights on Twitter.

From risk to resilience
Sustainable development is in jeopardy due to COVID-19, climate change and increasing conflicts, according to a recently published United Nations report. Solutions are seen in strengthening social protection systems and addressing the root causes of increasing inequality.

Let’s talk about the cost of housing
Don’t miss the upcoming conversation between Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, and Habitat’s CEO Jonathan Reckford. They will discuss the current economic landscape, its impact on affordable homeownership in the U.S. and the outlook for the months ahead. Join the Aug. 11 session, 1:30 to 2 p.m. ET, via this link.

Answers for first item:
Aug. 9 – International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
Aug. 12 – International Youth Day
Aug. 19 – World Humanitarian Day

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